Organic Coconut Massage & Body Oil

(made with REAL love)

Each jar is made by hand with loving intention. Essential oils have been added for a specific purpose for each flavor. Semi precious stones have also been added to infuse the oils with their energetic properties. Oil will turn solid when cool. Warm in the sun or a bowl of hot water. Use to massage or moisturize the skin. Keep away from sensitive areas.

Vanilla Essential Oil
Aromatic, balsamic and aphrodisiac. Promotes mental sharpness and lust. Anticxidant. (Most common drugs prescribed today would not work without a little vanilla).

Rose Essential Oil
Heart opener, facilitates creativity, helps to bring a spiritual content to sexual relationships. Calming, relaxing, antidepressant and anti-wrinkle. For chronic bronchitis, asthma and sexual impotence.

Rose Quartz Stone
Great for attracting love. Rose quartz is considered the “stone of unconditional love”. It has a very soft and gentle energy. It encourages one to be open and receptive to love, beauty, kindness, harmony. It can help with reconciliation in any strained relationship.

Expeller Pressed Organic Coconut Oil plus Essential Oils

9 FL OZ - $15.00
