Organic Coconut Massage & Body Oil

(made with REAL love)

Each jar is made by hand with loving intention. Essential oils have been added for a specific purpose for each flavor. Semi precious stones have also been added to infuse the oils with their energetic properties. Oil will turn solid when cool. Warm in the sun or a bowl of hot water. Use to massage or moisturize the skin. Keep away from sensitive areas.

Tangerine Essential Oil
Promotes happiness, and help with nervousness and anxiety. It releases old programming that prevents us from obtaining our goals and instills confidence that we can obtain our new goals and dreams. It also asks us to be fully present so we may be consciously aware of our physical, mental and emotional states.

Anise Essential Oil
Enhances Chi and opens the abdominal area for focusing will. Anise will help you with regaining and it is also wonderful in use for preventing nightmares.

Aventurine Stone
Stimulates creativity, intelligence and perception. Aventurine can help one become emotionally stronger, more decisive and strengthen leadership abilities.

Expeller Pressed Organic Coconut Oil plus Essential Oils

9 FL OZ - $15.00
